Can Stress Affect My Pain?

A common fear for patients when discussing pain is the idea that their symptoms are ‘all in their head’ or that they won’t be believed either by friends, family, therapists or workplace. This fear can be worse when there appears to be no obvious...

Is Surgery The Right Decision For You

Is Surgery The Right Decision For You? The decision to have surgery following an injury is a serious and complicated one. It can be difficult when navigating the minefield of information you receive to know what is the right pathway for you. Unfortunately, the answer...

Why Do Joints Become Stiff?

While pain and stiffness often go together, joint stiffness can occur on its own. Joint stiffness can limit your ability to perform usual tasks, for example turning your neck to check behind you while driving. Stiffness can also be a warning sign that part of the body...

Is Your Shoulder Pain Coming From the Rotator Cuff?

Is Your Shoulder Pain Coming From the Rotator Cuff?   The Rotator cuff. The Rotator Cuff is a common name for the group of 4 distinct muscles and their tendons that provide strength and stability during motion of the shoulder.   Rotator cuff tendinopathy The...

Walking can help back pain!!

Walking can help back pain!! Find out more about the benefits of walking and how it can help back pain. Here at our clinic we are often asked about what kind of exercise will help with back pain. We see hundreds of people every year with back pain. They are looking...