Comprehensive Management of Tennis Elbow:

Nov 28, 2023

Comprehensive Management of Tennis Elbow: Expert Insights from Gav Noble Physiotherapy


At Gav Noble Physiotherapy, we’re committed to offering top-notch care for conditions like tennis elbow—a common but often misunderstood ailment. This blog aims to shed light on the causes, signs, symptoms, and effective physiotherapy treatments for tennis elbow, with a focus on our specialty techniques including soft tissue release, joint mobilisations, stretching, an eccentric strength programme, and the innovative shockwave therapy.

Understanding Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a condition characterised by pain and tenderness around the outside part of your elbow joint. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not exclusive to tennis players. Badminton, pickleball, and squash enthusiasts, among others who engage in repetitive arm and wrist activities, are also at risk.

Causes and Risk Factors

The primary cause of tennis elbow is the overuse of forearm muscles and tendons. Repetitive motions, especially those involving gripping or twisting (like swinging a racket), can lead to tiny tears and inflammation in the tendons that attach to the lateral epicondyle—the outer part of the elbow.

Signs and Symptoms

The hallmark sign of tennis elbow is a pain that radiates from the outside of your elbow into your forearm and wrist. Difficulty in performing simple tasks like shaking hands, gripping an object, turning a doorknob, or holding a cup often accompanies this pain. Other symptoms include:

– Stiffness in the elbow
– Weakness in the arms
– A painful grip during activities

Our Approach to Treatment at Gav Noble Physiotherapy

Our therapists are specialists in treating tennis elbow. We tailor our approach to each individual, but our treatment typically includes:

1. Soft Tissue Release

Soft tissue release techniques are employed to alleviate muscle tension, enhance blood circulation, and promote healing in the affected tissues.

2. Joint Mobilisations

We use gentle, controlled movements to mobilise the elbow joint, which helps in reducing stiffness and pain, and improving overall joint function.

3. Stretching

Stretching exercises are integral to our treatment plan. They aid in maintaining muscle flexibility, reducing the risk of further injury, and facilitating a quicker recovery.

4. Eccentric Strength Programme

This part of our programme focuses on strengthening the forearm muscles through controlled lengthening movements, crucial for tendon rehabilitation and prevention of future injuries.

Check out the best exercises that you need to be doing by clicking HERE.

5. Shockwave Therapy

We’re proud to offer shockwave therapy, a cutting-edge treatment shown to be effective for tennis elbow. It uses acoustic waves to stimulate healing in injured tissues. To learn more about this innovative therapy, visit our detailed blog post HERE,  and check out our YouTube video HERE.

Preventive Measures and Lifestyle Modifications

Preventing tennis elbow involves several lifestyle modifications and preventive measures:

– Ensuring proper technique and posture during activities
– Using equipment appropriate for your size and strength
– Incorporating regular breaks into activities that involve repetitive motion
– Adequate warm-up and cool-down during sports


Tennis elbow, while a common complaint among racket sports enthusiasts, can affect anyone involved in repetitive arm and wrist activities. At Gav Noble Physiotherapy, we’re equipped with the expertise and the latest treatment modalities to effectively manage and treat this condition. Our approach is not just about alleviating symptoms but also about empowering our patients with the knowledge and tools to prevent future occurrences.

If you’re struggling with symptoms of tennis elbow, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you get back to your best form, pain-free and stronger than ever.

Please call us at 02892666959 for any help

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