The Top 7 Mistakes That People Make When Dealing with Back Pain

Apr 23, 2021

The Top 7 Mistakes That People Make When Dealing with Back Pain

Having worked with hundreds of clients at Gav Noble Physiotherapy, we have found that there are many fundamental common mistakes people are making when they have back pain.

Please read below to find out all about these common mistakes. Are you making any of them? Read on to find out which ones you
are making, and how they relate to your problem, and what YOU can do about it.

Mistake # 1 – Ignoring the pain, thinking it will go away on its own

Just getting on with things and thinking the pain will go away, may work but this will take a lot of time, plus, that’s if the pain ever goes away anyway. This is like doing nothing. Doing nothing will not do anything. Doing something about your pain will give you a better chance to recover much more quickly.

Mistake # 2 – Trusting in medications, hoping issue will resolve

Yes, taking medication can help to ease pain. However, medication is not treating the real source of the problem. You need to see a Health Care Professional who can diagnose the problem and advise on a recovery plan.

Mistake # 3 – Listening to friends and family “advice”

What may have worked for your Auntie Jean to ease her back pain is not necessarily what is going to work for you. We are all individuals and very different in our body make up, and your back pain could be coming from an entirely different source! You need to seek professional advice that will diagnose the root cause of the problem.

Mistake # 4 – Performing exercises, that can make things worse

Exercise for you back should be specific for your needs. Therefore, understanding what’s actually wrong with you will help you make a much better-informed decision about what exercise will be most beneficial to you. Avoid exercise which worsens your pain!

Mistake # 5 – Rushing back into activities too soon

Rushing back to activities too quickly can be detrimental to your recovery. Too much stressful activity on the body, with the body in a weakened state can quickly escalate your back pain. Good advice from a health professional will set you on the right tracks.

Mistake # 6 – Playing it too safe and resting for too long

Current research suggests that manual therapy and exercise is the best action to take to help recover from back pain. Again remember, resting is almost like doing nothing, and you are always better trying to do something to help yourself recover.

Mistake # 7 – Waiting too long to ask the right person for help

The longer you wait to ask the right person, the longer you suffer with pain. You may also prolong the amount of time that it will take to recover from your back pain. My advice is to contact a health professional ASAP.

If you are already making any of these mistakes, you are not alone – and you should know at the outset, rarely is it ever too late to get things right.

Here is the great news: Even if you have been making ALL of these mistakes we can still help you. Schedule a FREE DISCOVERY
SESSION with one of our chartered physiotherapists today to learn how to fight your back pain the right way!

We sometimes, find that patients are “on the fence” about physiotherapy. This Discovery Session is a great way to get your questions answered, see how we can help, and learn and if we are right for each other……. all with no strings attached.

Come in NOW for your FREE 20 Minute Discovery Session. Nobody will ask you for any insurance information, cash, or ANYTHING.


If you require any further information on Back pain then click here, or call us on 028 92666959, or email

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HM Digital

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