How To Exercise Without Realizing It.

Apr 23, 2021

Different Kinds Of Daily Exercise!

Last week
a Patient made a statement that got me thinking:

“I wish I
could exercise more but there just isn’t enough hours in the day!

question being are there ways in which we can perform general everyday activities,
which count as good exercise?

The gym
doesn’t appeal to me, and the thought of going for a run scares me!”

life gets the better of us when trying to fit the gym in or perform any form of
exercise daily. Being overhauled with things to do is one main limitation that
cause people to miss a session in the gym or get a workout in.

Not only
that – the appealing nature of going to the gym or going for a run or a cycle
outdoors is not for everyone!

For years
people have the belief that in order to perform a satisfactory level of exercise
we must break a sweat or at least get our heart rate racing.

But that
isn’t the case!

Short periods of high intensity exercise have been
proven to provide individuals with significant health benefits, which is
perfect when we are limited by time. This being said

there are plenty of
opportunities during your day to day activities to perform specific bouts of


So if you
find yourself struggling to get a daily workout in –

here’s some everyday
activities that you can contribute towards your overall activity when life gets
in the way!


The most
obvious but also the most underrated form of exercise.

at a decent pace is still considered a form of cardiovascular exercise.

increasing your pace and distance at some point during your day, walking will
be a considerable form of daily exercise.

Going for
walks with friends or walking in nice areas such as parks or toe paths can
prevent you feeling bored while walking, and if that fails try listening to
music or walk with a treat at the end such as a nice coffee shop.

Knowing I
have a nice chocolatey mocha waiting for me at the end of my walk makes it that
much better!

Taking The Stairs

the stair is another great activity to get more exercise into your daily life.
Another one that people tend to shy away from due to the feeling we get after
performing a few flights –That’s why we invented escalators and lifts.

it is tough walking up the stairs is a great cardiovascular exercise to perform
as it incorporates increased activity in all those leg muscles.

So next
time your put in the predicament between taking the lift or the stairs –

think about it, and take the stairs instead.

The benefits you will get while doing so are
overwhelming as you will begin to feel more energetic, help fight any
underlying sickness and even lower your risk of cardiovascular diseases.


I’m sure
when we perform are daily chores like scrubbing a floor or cleaning a bathroom
we begin to feel out of puff and a bit hot!

because although it doesn’t seem to be but cleaning is a good form of workout
where we are constantly engaged in performing a specific activity with an end
goal and is also a great calorie burner.

bodies will raise our heart rate while doing tasks like cleaning windows,
cleaning the bathroom, the kitchen head to toe and running the vacuum around.

So now
there’s a reason to do the housework more often


woman’s favourite thing to do!

One thing
we are obligated to do while out shopping is walk therefore if we are out
buying nice new cloths or a general food shop walking is must in doing so we
will burn up to 200 calories per hour walking at a good pace.

Things to
consider while out shopping to improve activity:


Take the
stairs instead of lifts or escalators.


Park car
further away from the entrance.


your step count by taking a longer route going round your favourite shops.


a form of exercise which is very rewarding in terms of aesthetic value and
physical value in terms of our bodies. Performing tasks within the gardening
whether it be cutting the grass, planting shrubs, raking the lawn… the body
will feel like it has been put through its paces, that’s because while perform
such activities the body is forced to engage all our muscles throughout are

has other added benefits as it exposes you to delightful fresh air and of
course a dose of well needed vitamin D which is great for your body’s immune

So don’t
waste the next sunny day you have and perform some therapeutic goal rewarding
activities in the garden- Its even classed as a moderate to high intensity

So all in
all the more activites you are able to fit in within your hectic lives, the
more physically active you are. So no excuse to incorporate everyday activities
into your life.

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HM Digital

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