The new working from home!

Apr 23, 2021

Working from home? Got pain? Find out what you can do

I know.. It is not ideal, and it is going to be like this for another month or more…

We have had several clients calling us complaining that the pain in their neck and shoulder that was doing really well, but the pain has come back with a vengeance.

They were having issues doing their basic workouts again. They tried ice, and stretching but nothing was working. It was starting to affect them getting as much work done because the pain was exhausting them.. Does this sound familiar??

They tell me they are not sure why this happened until they told me how they are working from home and what that looks like… :0

We had to spend some time talking them through their work situation to modify it so they would not continue hurt as they are working from home. (as this is a new normal for now)

We were also able to show them the postures, and what was causing them to be in so much pain. They now know what to do and how to keep them from hurting while they are having to deal with their not so ideal situation of working from home.

We were able to provide education on their workouts and the compensation patterns that they went into. We guided them through exercises that did not hurt them. As well as provide education on what to avoid or modify for now.

When are following up with these clients which, they were very happy with, and doing so much better. We have follow up visits just to hold them accountable during these times since they are out of their routines.. They loved this idea.. It gave them some piece of mind that they WILL make it through these crazy times and not have to slow down or regress.

Here is the thing.. These clients of ours are making progress, plus their visits are completed virtually. They loved their sessions and got RESULTS!!

Either way.. there is not need to be hurting during these times. We are getting more and more people calling us because “NEW” pains have popped up and that is because we are WAY out of our routines and we are not in ideal work situations with our set up at home and we are not moving around in our normal workouts and routines..

This is creating new pains or causing old pains to return.. Do not hesitate to call us if you are having similar issues..

Friends do not let Friends suffer from pains… Send them our way so we can help them too..

If you need any further information on how we can help you then please call the clinic on

028 92666959

, or email us on

Find out more about virtual visits



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