How is that knee pain?

Apr 23, 2021

How is that knee pain?

If you are suffering with ANY kind of knee stiffness, pain, aching or swelling, you will already know that is “life limiting”. It may already be holding you back from things that you love doing!

And if you didn’t have knee pain, here are some of those things you would most likely be able to ENJOY doing again, immediately…

1.) Waking up in the morning and effortlessly get up out of bed and walk to the bathroom.

2.) Bending your leg up and putting your own socks and shoes on, without having to worry about stiffness or sharp pain.

3.) Sitting at work, COMFORTABLY, WITHOUT your knee aching.

4.) Walking up and down stairs to do our daily chores without having to worry about each step.

5.)  Going to bed knowing that you’re finally going to get a good night’s sleep and are not going to wake up because of a dull ache or sharp pain in your knee waking you up each time you turn over.

6.) Getting down on the floor to play with your own kids or grandkids, knowing that getting back up from the floor will be easy.

7.) Being able to stand up for longer than 10 minutes without having to lean on your other leg just to ease your knee pain, or even having to look for a chair to sit down on for a rest.

8.) Going for a run again without having to face the thought and consequence of your knee tightening or swelling and FORCING you to stop and limp the rest of the way home.

9.) Take a long walk in Wallace park, Hillsborough Park or along the tow path or your favourite place without the fear of having to spend the rest of the day with ice on your knee, because it’s become so swollen.

10.) Get out into the garden, kneeling down and doing some weeding, or even being able to bend and kneel to wash the car.

These are the common things that people tell me they really wish they could do, free of knee pain, when they first come and see me.

It’s a bit like a “wish list” clients give me when we first talk.

And one of the reasons I want to help you is, that I realize you are missing out on doing LOTS of things that you love to do. (Perhaps one or two are on that list?…)

And it’s only at times like this, when you are in pain and likely to be FORCED into having to miss out on doing any of them, do you really appreciate how much you value each AND the amount of quality and enjoyment they bring to your life.

My question now to you is:-

“Would less knee pain make a difference to your life, if you were able to ENJOY doing things and go places without suffering with knee pain? – OR – Are you still living with the fear of waiting for knee pain to strike again?”

If the answer to either is “YES”, then you are “PERFECT” for physiotherapy here.

Makes it very convenient for you to find why we’re likely to be your best option, if you want to avoid painkillers and generic advice, when trying to end your knee pain.

I want to end your knee pain naturally and I’ll only be giving you specialist advice that will make a difference, quickly.

P.S. If this sounds good to you, give us a call today on 028 9266 6959

P.P.S. Feel free to find out more about how you may be able to make simple changes in your life to ease knee pain by downloading our FREE knee pain report HERE


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