Pilates Class

Apr 23, 2021

What the guys in class get up to after class

So meet a few of the most awesome people who attend my Pilates class. I absolutely love this picture.

I’ve been teaching these guys for quite some time, and they have all come to Pilates for their own reasons, whether that’s been post pregnancy, to stay mobile, or flexible, to get stronger or to recover from back pain….or because their previous classes finished. They have all come along and found something else.

So, what is this something else??? I like to call it craic, enjoyment, fun and most importantly friendship. Not that they are an unlikely bunch but they all come to class week in, week out. We work hard but really just enjoy that hour we all spend together and it really gives that day something to look forward to. It really makes teaching a real pleasure.

I finished teaching classes last night for a short summer break and these guys decided, after class to all go for a coffee(one of them prefers beer). (We were all invited by the way, just unfortunately unable to attend). They obviously enjoyed themselves and the craic continued so they decided to send me a couple of pictures of themselves. I’m glad to see a couple of their new mugs on display, just a blatant reminder from me that I will be looking forward to seeing them back in class very soon.

So for anyone else wondering or worried about starting Pilates, just take a look at these incredibly friendly and wonderful people who have all found something else at Pilates.

Pilates classes at Trinity Community Venue start back on the 7th September 2016, Classes at the new clinic start back on 2nd August.

Please feel to contact me at 028 9266 6959, or

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