Will a pillow help my neck pain?

Nov 1, 2022

Will a pillow help my neck pain?

Is there a pillow that I should get that will help with my neck pain?

This is a very common question that we get asked here all the time at the clinic.

The short and simple answer to this is yes.

At the clinic we see a lot of people with neck pain. The neck pain that we see has quite a large number of common causes. These causes can come from anything like:-

  • Sports injury
  • Car crashes
  • Waking up with sore neck
  • Posture related – looking at computers/phones/ipads
  • Pinched nerve

So when people start to suffer with neck pain, it starts to affect their daily lives. It starts to affect:

  • Their ability to work
  • Their concentration
  • Their driving
  • Their ability to carry out everyday tasks
  • Their sleep
  • Looking after their children/grandchildren
  • Headaches and migraines

It is very important to us as therapists that we are able to fully assess and get to the root cause of the neck pain. We don’t just want to put a ‘sticky plaster’ on it, take some painkillers and hope for the best. We want to get to the root cause of the problem and work with that.

There may be more than one reason that the pain is there in the first place and it is important that we look at the whole picture.

A tree has many branches and we want to make sure each branch is healthy.

This is why it is essential to see a specialist therapist who has the knowledge and understanding of causes of pain, as they are best suited to help with solutions. Those solutions will most likely be hands on treatment, correct exercise programme, and postural advice….PLUS, using a pillow to aid a comfortable sleep.

But what kind of pillow? Which pillow? Where do I get it?

When you sleep, are you a side, back, or front sleeper?

Do you move around a lot when you sleep?

These are only some of the questions I take into consideration when looking for a pillow. We are all individuals and all sleep in many different ways.

My advice for a pillow is to find one that is both comfortable but also adjustable.

You need to have a pillow that is supportive, and can be adjusted to support your head in many different positions you move into at night. If you do this you will give your head one of the most valuable gifts……

A good nights sleep!

Here at the clinic we have pillows that are both adjustable and comfortable. Just ask the members of staff who are using them!

If you want to talk to us about neck pain, or about pillows, then please feel free to give us a call. We can arrange a call with one of our specialist therapists, or a discovery visit. Come in and have a feel at one of the pillows that we personally use.

You can reach us at 028 9266 6959, or at

If you want any more information about neck pain and how we can help then click HERE.

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