The 5 Top Tips to Help Knee Arthritis Pain

Aug 29, 2023

The 5 Top Tips to Help Knee Arthritis Pain

If you’ve clicked on this article, chances are that you, or someone dear to you, has experienced the nagging discomfort that knee arthritis brings. We’ve all heard someone say, “Oh, it’s just a bit of arthritis.” Yet for those who actually live with it, “just a bit” can feel like a lot.

Now, you might’ve come across countless articles promising immediate relief or magic cures. As much as I’d love to gift you with that magic wand, my promise to you is to provide grounded, evidence-based guidance that will genuinely assist you in your journey. So, let’s dive into a patient-centric approach that emphasises understanding and self-empowerment.

1. Stay Active but Sensible

Yes, you’ve heard this before, but it’s essential. Exercise keeps your joints flexible and muscles strong. But here’s the clincher – it’s not about jumping into the most intense workout routine you can find. This is about **quality** and **consistency**. Low-impact exercises like swimming, walking, or cycling can provide great benefits without straining your knees further.

If you’re unsure where to start, consider seeking guidance from a physiotherapist. We’re here to help tailor a programme that’s right for you.

2. Weight Management: Lighten the Load

Every extra pound you carry translates to added stress on your knees. By managing your weight, you reduce the pressure on those joints and consequently, the pain you might feel. It’s not about aesthetics, but rather giving your knees the best chance to function pain-free.

Don’t be overwhelmed. Small, consistent changes in diet and activity levels can create substantial long-term benefits. If you need advice, consider speaking to a nutritionist who can help navigate the maze of ‘healthy eating’.

3. Supportive Footwear: Step in the Right Direction

Your feet are the foundation of your movement. Wearing unsupportive or worn-out shoes can alter your gait and put unnecessary stress on your knees. Opt for shoes with good cushioning, arch support, and consider using custom orthotics if you have specific foot issues. It might seem trivial, but when dealing with arthritis, every bit of support helps.

If you need to know more about orthotics then click HERE.

4. Medication & Supplements: An Informed Choice

Over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatories can be helpful. But remember, these are short-term solutions and shouldn’t replace a holistic approach to managing arthritis. Always consult your GP or pharmacist before making any changes to your medication routine.

In terms of supplements, Glucosamine and Chondroitin have been popular choices for knee arthritis. While results can be mixed, some people find them beneficial. Again, it’s essential to consult with a professional before diving into the world of supplements.

5. Consider Physiotherapy: A Trusted Ally in Your Journey

Physiotherapy isn’t just about treating injuries; it’s about understanding the body and giving it the best chance to function optimally. Through targeted exercises, pain-relief techniques, and education, a physiotherapist can guide you through the complexities of knee arthritis, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge and tools to manage your pain.


In conclusion, knee arthritis, while undoubtedly challenging, isn’t insurmountable. By adopting a proactive, informed, and patient-centric approach, not only can you manage the pain, but you can also reclaim a quality of life you might’ve thought was slipping away.

You don’t have to traverse this path alone. Whether it’s through physiotherapy, connecting with professionals, or seeking support from loved ones, remember that help is always available. And while I can’t promise miracles, I can assure you of this: commitment, understanding, and the right guidance can significantly improve your life with arthritis.

Wishing you strength, flexibility, and a pain-free stride,

If you want to know more about knee arthritis and what it is, click HERE.

If you require any further information on knee pain then click here, or call us on 028 92666959, or email


None of the information in this post is a replacement for proper medical advice. Always see a medical professional for advice on your individual injury.

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