Keeping Healthy While Working from Home

Apr 23, 2021

Things to do to stay on top of your health

Over the
next few months, many of us will be spending more time at home. For each of us,
this will mean something different; however, regardless of your circumstances,
there are a few things you can do to make your time at home a little easier and

a routine.

A new routine may take a
while to develop and will depend on the demands placed on you by your work or
children, however, some things can help with both mental and physical health when
staying at home for long periods. Waking up and going to sleep at the same time
every day can have a significant impact on wellness, ensuring that you have a
better sleep and also feel more settled when you wake up.

screens thoughtfully.

Technology can help us to
connect with those who are not there, yet can also take us away from things
happening around us. Delete the apps that you find distracting, such as news or
social media and schedule in quality catch-ups with friends and family via video.

Take time
to adjust your home workstation.

If you will be spending
hours at a time on your computer, it is essential to take the time to ensure
your workstation is set up optimally to reduce stress on your body while
working. You can chat with your physiotherapist for some tips on how to set up
your home office.

Stay in
touch with your physio.

If you are struggling with
pain at home, your physiotherapist can offer a variety of online treatment
solutions, even if you can’t make it to the clinic. Reach out to your
physiotherapist if you are in pain either via email or telehealth sessions to
see how they can help you – you might be surprised at how much they can help.

Join an
online fitness group and workout with others.

Joining a daily online
workout session is one way to keep active and also stick to a schedule. Many of
the videos allow you to join in live, helping to increase commitment and a
sense of community with your fellow athletes.

before bed.

Start with just three
simple stretches, calf, hamstrings and triceps and slowly build up your
repertoire. Stretching before bed can help to prepare your body for rest while
also improving flexibility. Try to hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds
for optimal effect.

If you have any further questions about any aches or pains or advise on working posture, please contact the clinic on 028 92666959, or email

Check out how we can help you at


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HM Digital

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