Achilles Tendinitis/Tendinopathy

Achilles Tendonitis/Tendinopathy The Achilles tendon is found just behind and above your heel. It connects the bone of your heel with the muscles of your calf. Your Achilles tendon helps to bend your foot downward. Achilles tendinitis/tendinopathy is a condition that...

Things to Avoid When You Have Back Pain

Things to Avoid When You Have Back Pain Back pain is such a common experience that it is estimated up to 80% of adults will have at least one severe episode of back pain in their lifetime. For many people, the pain quickly resolves and things go back to normal....

The Top 3 Exercises For Back Pain

The Top 3 Exercises For Back Pain “If you were to do any 3 exercises for back pain, what would they be? This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions at our clinic. I get it, I’ve had back pain before too. I know how debilitating back pain can be. I know...

How is that knee pain?

How is that knee pain? If you are suffering with ANY kind of knee stiffness, pain, aching or swelling, you will already know that is “life limiting”. It may already be holding you back from things that you love doing! And if you didn’t have knee pain, here are some of...